
Falling landfill costs are welcome, but a deposit scheme would further boost recycling rates and reduce litter

Reports today suggest that the amount spent on landfill in recent years has fallen by more than 23% in the last four years – but Welsh Conservatives have warned against complacency and claim that a bottle deposit scheme could boost recycling rates further.


In November Welsh Conservatives tabled a motion calling for a ‘deposit return scheme’ to be piloted in Wales, and have pledged to introduce such a scheme if they form a Welsh Conservative Government in May.

The smallest retailers would be exempt.


Welsh Conservatives believe that such a scheme would significantly increase recycling rates as well as cutting litter in Wales; 75% of which is said to consist of drinks containers in the UK.

Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies

“Ultimately, we need to be willing to embrace innovative ideas to reduce waste. It’s about changing our mentality about the litter we generate.

“These figures are positive for Welsh councils but the Welsh Government cannot afford to be complacent.

“Deposit refund schemes operate effectively the world over, and can financially incentivise recycling and reduce waste significantly.

“A pilot scheme could play a key role in initiating a fundamental culture shift in Wales, as well as tackling the source of three-quarters of the litter we see on our streets each day.”

Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for the Environment, Janet Haworth, said:

“Local Authorities in Wales have just ten years to reach an ambitious 70 per cent target for recycling, and as that deadline approaches it’s going to become harder and harder to make a difference.

“But it’s not just about hitting a target, it’s about respecting and preserving the beautiful country we live in.

“No part of Wales is unaffected by the scourge of litter; from our streets, to our waterways, and our parks.

“That’s why the Welsh Government has to be ambitious and willing to explore innovative schemes such as these, and a Welsh Conservative Government in May would take steps to introduce a pilot scheme here in Wales.”

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