Welsh Lib Dems celebrate victory as Labour u-turn on decision reports

The Welsh Liberal Democrats are celebrating a “victory for transparency” as Labour Ministers announce their intention to begin publishing ministerial decision reports again, a u-turn following pressure by the party.

In September, Labour Ministers faced criticism for deciding to stop publishing a log of ministerial decisions. Since then, the Welsh Lib Dems began obtaining the reports under the Freedom of Information Act, publishing the first batch yesterday.

At the time, a Welsh Government spokesperson claimed that money was “being wasted” by the party in requesting the reports, and that they were “hiding nothing”.

Kirsty Williams AM, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said:

“Yesterday the Welsh Lib Dems were being accused of wasting resources by requesting these reports. Today Labour have admitted that we were right all along.

“This is a victory for transparency and openness, and it wouldn’t be happening had Welsh Lib Dems not stood up for those vital principles.

“The First Minister may shower himself in glory with a gracious u-turn, but the simple fact remains that any party committed to the principle of open and transparent government would never have axed these reports in the first place.

“Welsh Liberal Democrats will always make sure that all those who wield power can be held accountable for their actions. This is yet another victory on that journey.”

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