Employment figures highlight fragility of economic recovery in Wales

New figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that unemployment slightly increased in Wales between July and September – from 90,000 between April and June, to 93,000.


Commenting on the figures, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for the Economy – William Graham – said:


"Today’s figures highlight the fragile nature of the economic recovery in Wales.


"Whilst the long term trend in Wales is towards a gentle growth in employment, over the last quarter there has been a notable fall in employment, as well as a rise in unemployment.


"Employment in Wales is the third lowest for any region in the UK, which highlights the need for the Welsh Labour Government to do all that it can to deliver year-round, sustainable job opportunities for Welsh workers.


"Labour has a number of economic levers at its disposal here and it is essential that the Welsh Government clearly demonstrates that it is fully collaborating with the UK Government to ensure sustainable economic growth."

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