Senedd debate urges stronger rights for older people
Welsh Conservatives will today call for a full government review of the support available for older people in Wales.
Leading a debate in the Senedd, the Shadow Minister for Health will call on the Welsh government to improve the opportunities available to older people and ensure contribution to economic and social life in Wales is maximised.
Welsh Conservative motion for debate:
The National Assembly for Wales
- Values the significant contribution which older people make to social and economic life in Wales
- Rejects all forms of ageism towards older people in Wales
- Regrets that older people who wish to return to the workforce in Wales are not able to access the same level of support as younger people
- And:
- Calls upon the Welsh Government to review the support available for older people to maximise opportunities for them to contribute to social and economic life in Wales
Welsh Conservatives recently launched innovative plans to scrap the current 16-24 age limit on Labour’s job creation scheme, replacing it instead with Journeys to Work, a programme open to workers of any age.
The commitment follows recent criticism of the support available to older people in the jobs market by the Older People’s Commissioner.
Last year the Declaration of Rights for Older People was introduced in Wales, following the success of a Welsh Conservative amendment to the Social Services and Wellbeing Act.
In a 2015 report, Age Cymru published figures showing 75,000 older people in Wales ‘always or often’ feel lonely, whilst 14 per cent feel ‘cut off from society’.
Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Older People, Darren Millar AM, said:
“Older people make an immense contribution to economic and social life Wales. That should be rewarded with all possible levels of support.
“As it stands, the Welsh Labour government is falling dramatically short and a swift, comprehensive review of opportunities and support available is urgently required.
“The Commissioner already believes older people are ‘undervalued’ and I entirely agree. Progress is needed and our plans for greater job creation are a crucial part of that.
“Older people must not be denied the respect they deserve and everything possible must be done to ensure the end of lost dignity.”