AMs can play vital role in ensuring that older people have a strong voice in the Senedd

As events are held across the world to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons on October 1, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has welcomed the appointment of Older People’s Spokespeople by Plaid, Ukip and the Welsh Conservatives,

who will each play a vital role in ensuring that older people have a strong voice in the Senedd and that the issues that matter to them are being discussed, debated and addressed.

The spokespeople will work with the Commissioner to ensure that the issues that matter most to older people are discussed, debated and addressed over the course of the Fifth Assembly.

Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Sarah Rochira, said: “I am delighted that the opposition parties have responded so positively to my calls for older people to have a strong voice that is listened to and acted upon, and have each appointed an older people’s spokesperson.

“Whilst there has been a significant amount of progress in recent years to address the issues that affect the lives of older people across Wales, it is essential that momentum is not lost, particularly in terms of protecting and promoting older people’s rights, and ensuring that they have the best possible quality of life.

“I look forward to working with each of the party spokespeople, as well as with the Minister for Social Services and Public Health, whose portfolio covers the work of my office, to ensure that a strong message is sent to older people across Wales that their voices and experiences matter and will be used to shape policies, decisions and our public services.”

Janet Finch Saunders AM, Welsh Conservative member for Aberconwy, said: “I am delighted and honoured to have been appointed the Welsh Conservative’s Older People’s Champion, and look forward to working closely once more with the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Sarah Rochira.

“Given the demography of my own constituency of Aberconwy, the needs and interests of older people are something I have fought hard for during my years as a Town Councillor, Mayor of Llandudno, Conwy County Borough Councillor, and, since 2011, Assembly Member.

“The contribution of older people to Welsh society is invaluable, and should be recognised both culturally and in legislation. I will continue to fight to push older people’s rights across Wales to the top of the Welsh Government’s agenda over the course of the Fifth Assembly and beyond.”

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