Newly qualified paramedics graduate from Swansea University

A GROUP of Welsh Ambulance Service EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) who enrolled on a Diploma in Paramedic Sciences to qualify as Paramedics have officially graduated from Swansea University.

The diploma is the culmination of 18 months of study, which the students undertook while they continued with their day job as EMTs.

The EMT-Paramedic conversion programme was established by the Welsh Ambulance Service in 2013 in conjunction with Swansea University, and is designed to support EMTs in their progression.

The 19-strong cohort collected their awards at a ceremony in the city’s Brangwyn Hall from the University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott.

Professor Lappin-Scott said: “To graduate through this route is a fantastic achievement, particularly as the students are working full time as an integral part of the Emergency Medical Services.

“Through commitment to hard work and application to study this cohort typifies the ethos of the paramedic profession; that of professionalism, compassion and clinical competence for the benefit of patients in their care.”

Successful completion of the programme enables the cohort to register with the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council), and thus operate throughout the Trust in a Paramedic role.

Judith Hardisty, the Trust’s Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, added: “Studying is difficult at the best of times, let alone when you’re working on the frontline of the ambulance service at the same time.

“These awards are testament to the group’s hard work and effort, and I’d like to extend my congratulations and well wishes to them all.

“They have set a high standard for their colleagues who are in the current programme and those due to start in September this year.

“We also want to thank the Workforce, Education and Development Services for agreeing to fund this programme and Swansea University in working with us to develop the content.

“Thanks should also go to the Trust’s Learning and Development Team and all managers and colleagues who have supported the students.”

Among those recognised were: Darren Bright, Huw Jackson, Leeson Emery, Sian Lloyd, Alexander Burnham, Steve Rogerson, Adrian Evans, Zoe Lambert, Marc Thomas, Sian Edmunds, David Jenkins, Mark Williams, Mark Howells, Laurence Ford, Catrin Morris, Adrian Pagano, Christopher Ellis, Mark Scrivens and Keith O’Connor.

To find out more about career opportunities at the Welsh Ambulance Service, please visit the Working for Us section of the website.

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