Figures for newly built houses hit 25% slump
The number of new houses being built in Wales has hit a 25% slump, according to figures published by the Welsh Government.
The figure refers to data taken the most recent quarter – April to June 2016 – when compared to the same quarter last year, which shows that 1,357 dwellings were built across Wales during this time.
If this downward trend continues then it is likely to surpass the four per cent annual slump recorded for this year – 2015/16 – also recorded in the data.
The private sector continues to lead the way on house building, and accounted for 82% of all completed dwellings in the latest quarter.
Responding to these figures, Welsh Conservative Shadow Secretary for Housing, David Melding AM, said:
“It is after time that the Welsh Government faced up to the housing crisis that continues to blight our nation.
“Over the last 15 years, an average of 8,000 homes have been built in Wales every year when trends clearly indicate we need to build 12,000 homes to keep pace with demand.
“If we are to make any real headway in remedying this dire situation, then we probably need to surpass even the 12,000 figure.
“Given the current downward trend, however, this looks growingly unlikely.
“The sad fact is that it’s young people looking for family homes who will continue to be denied decent living conditions that most of us would have enjoyed in our upbringings.”