Parking update for visitors to Royal Glamorgan Hospital

Parking update for visitors to Royal Glamorgan Hospital

We are currently installing some temporary units on site at Royal Glamorgan Hospital, which will increase our surgical and endoscopy capacity. This work has resulted in a temporary reduction of parking spaces. Disabled parking spaces have been prioritised, retained and moved to a suitable location close to the main building.

We encourage all visitors to leave extra time when coming to the site to allow plenty of time to park. Please park responsibly — emergency vehicles need clear access at all times, and your cooperation is essential to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and visitors.

Not being able to find a parking place does not enable visitors or staff to park in strictly no parking areas, which are signposted across the site. We will issue Parking Charge Notices (PCNs) to cars are found to be parked in an unsafe manner.

We are asking visitors and staff to consider alternative green travel options such as car sharing and public transport when accessing the site during peak times. We are also providing alternative off-site parking for our staff, a short walk away from the hospital.

We thank our hardworking staff who are doing their best to manage the situation — please be patient and respectful as they help with the flow of traffic.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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