Dog owners are reminded that dogs are not permitted on sports fields on or off a lead!

Dog owners are reminded that dogs are not permitted on sports fields on or off a lead!

Where are they all now another flash in the pan by the RCT Council: dog fouling is still a nuisance, but the council is cutting as many services as they can get away with roll on the next local elections. You don’t see so-called Dog Wardens or Community Wardens there are supposed to be 14 of them wondering around RCT.

Following complaints from Llantwit Fardre RFC dog owners are reminded that dogs are not permitted on sports fields on or off a lead!

We are increasing our patrols across the County Borough and will issue fines where necessary, are they?

We’re also asking sports clubs to report any issues they are having and report dog fouling on pitches online at so that we can support them and work together for the safety of the players!

Report it –…/DogFo…/Reportdogfouling.aspx


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