
Senedd will not discuss Labour’s winter fuel travesty

Senedd will not discuss Labour’s winter fuel travesty

Pensioners have not caused the lack of cash in the UK Parliament or Welsh Government it years of bad decisions made by unqualified politicians and politician advisors and it is still happening. Politicians are to blame not the men and women who have worked hard for over 50 years and saved for a small pension not scrounged of the state a pension they paid into that takes them over the government threshold.  

Pensioners have the lowest levels of poverty in Wales, with numbers remaining consistent at 18% in the last decade. However, the most recent Welsh Government analysis for March 2021 suggests this has marginally risen to 19% so what will it be like in 2024. Again, when comparing numbers across the UK, Wales has more impoverished pensioners than the other three nations.

Amidst a perfect storm of soaring energy prices Wales is in fuel poverty and government action on an unprecedented scale is urgently needed now as Wales has the oldest housing stock in the UK. it is now 2024.

Never forget you get what you vote for.

Responding to the rejection of an Emergency Question requested for 6 August’s recalled Senedd session on the denial of Winter Fuel Payments from Welsh pensioners, Andrew RT Davies MS, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives said:

“The 360,000 Welsh pensioners that will be denied winter fuel payments by Labour deserve clarity and action from the Labour Welsh Government.

“The question must be asked, given Labour’s opposition to this universal pensioner benefit, do they still support other measures, such as free bus passes?

“Those Welsh pensioners affected would much rather know what support they will be receiving this winter now that Labour has denied them their winter fuel payments, as opposed to just watching the coronation of Baroness Eluned Morgan.”

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