Labour’s 20mph speed limit is here to stay

Labour’s 20mph speed limit is here to stay

Responding to the statement from Labour’s Cabinet Secretary for Transport’s Update, Natasha Asghar MS, Shadow Transport Minister, said:

“Whilst I appreciate that Labour and the Cabinet Secretary appear to be listening to the public on 20mph, it is unclear who will be seeing these changes and how quickly they will be implemented.’

“Councils, who are already stretched due to Labour’s budget cuts, will be left to sort out the mess the Labour Government has made of their 20mph policy and I cannot see there being many significant changes as a result. £5 million is being given to councils in Wales, who have to bid for funding and there does not seem to be a timeline in place which will undoubtedly lead to sheer frustration for drivers from all corners of Wales.

“The Welsh Conservatives have been clear; we will scrap 20mph, roll out a targeted approach in sensitive areas, reverse Labour’s road building ban and get Wales moving in the right direction.”

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