Nick Thomas-Symonds is wrong, Labour can’t hide from their NHS record

Nick Thomas-Symonds is wrong, Labour can’t hide from their NHS record

Responding to Nick Thomas-Symonds’ comments blaming the state of the Welsh NHS on the UK Conservative Government, Sam Rowlands MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister said:

“Nick Thomas Symonds is wrong. Labour cannot hide from their abysmal NHS record in Wales, where have the longest waiting lists in the UK.

“Health is devolved and has been run by the Labour Welsh Government for 25 years. Wales receives £1.20 for every £1 spent on health in England, but a lot of the extra funding is swallowed up by Labour and Plaid’s costly vanity projects like 20mph and creating 36 more politicians.

“The Welsh Conservatives would make the health service our number one priority and finally allocate every penny received as a result of health spending in England on the Welsh NHS.”

4 of July General Election how has Labour done for the last 25 years

Labour minister: ‘We don’t know what we’re doing on the economy’

The Welsh Government has “pretended we know what we’re doing on the economy” for 20 years, deputy economy minister Lee Waters has said.

Mismanagement of public accounts has cost the people of Wales

Published 27/03/2023   |   Last Updated 27/03/2023   |   Reading Time 4 minutes

Significant funds for essential public services have been lost due to shortcomings in the Welsh Government’s accounting, according to a Senedd Committee.

A report published today by the Senedd’s Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee (PAPAC) has raised a number of issues with the accounts for 2020/2021.

  • £155.5 million was lost to Wales due to poor account management
  • Serious concerns about record keeping relating to £80,000 payment made to the former Permanent Secretary
  • The current Permanent Secretary’s salary exceeds the advertised amount
  • Concerns about the level of fraud and error in the COVID-19 business grants scheme

Welsh Government £155.5 million underspend

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