
FMQs: Gething wants fresh start

FMQs: Gething wants fresh start

Following FMQs, Andrew RT Davies MS, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, said:

“The Labour Welsh Government has been paralysed since Vaughan Gething became First Minister.

“Thanks to Labour, Wales has record NHS waiting lists, plummeting educational outcomes and the highest business rates in Britain.

“If the First Minister wants a fresh start, he must prove that he is capable of tackling that dreadful record.”

Vaughan Gething, the embattled First Minister, lost a vote of no confidence

A company that bankrolled Vaughan Gething’s successful bid to become Wales’ first minister was linked to a criminal investigation at the time, the BBC can reveal. Mr Gething’s leadership campaign accepted £200,000 from a firm controlled by millionaire businessman David Neal.


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