Another general election is approaching on July 4th. This time, the top of Cynon Valley is now twinned with the Merthyr Constituency. A Labour MP has held the Merthyr Constituency since 1910, and there has been a Labour MP representing the Aberdare and Cynon Valley Constituency since 1918. This long history suggests that this area can be considered a safe Labour seat.

However, the fact that the populace of Cynon Valley consistently votes for the same party year after year raises concerns about the health of democracy in the region. Voters appear content with the Labour Party, regardless of whether it is in Central Government or the Welsh Parliament. Aberdare Constituents have voted for a Labour MP for 106 years and a devolved Welsh Parliament AM or MP for 25 years.

In such a safe Labour seat your MP or MS have little incentive to actively engage with or respond to the needs of their constituents, beyond occasional photo shoots when elections are due just to remind people of their presence. This lack of competition and accountability can lead to complacency and a lack of responsiveness, undermining the democratic process and leaving residents with limited choices and little motivation for change

What did Albert Einstein say about doing the same thing over and over again?

‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Who can I vote for in my area?

Abraham Lincoln: Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Where you can vote can be found on the link below

When is the UK general election and who can vote?

Image from Wikipedia

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