Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board ​ Volunteer Service​

The volunteer service would like to take the opportunity during the 40th annual celebration of Volunteers Week to give a massive “shout out” to all of their Health Board volunteers.  “Our volunteers continued enthusiasm and dedication in supporting our projects and services has been truly inspirational and no amount of words could express how thankful we are.  ​

“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.”​

(Anon Quote )​

If you are interested in volunteering or for further information you can contact us on 01656 753783 or email us at [email protected] ​

Alternatively, you can find further information our recruitment process and what opportunities we currently have by following the link to our webpage ​

Volunteering for Us – Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (

You can also express your interest via the All Wales Volunteering Website​

Opportunities – Volunteering Wales (

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