DŴR Cymru flushing bill payers’ money down the drain

Responding to the news that huge price hikes are proposed for Welsh water customers with payments potentially rising by more than £200, Janet Finch-Saunders MS, Shadow Climate Change Minister, said:
“Such a massive hike to water bills is unacceptable when you consider the record of Dŵr Cymru in Wales.
“When Wales has four times as many sewage discharges proportionately than England and Dŵr Cymru customers already experiencing the second highest average bill in Wales and England, they are flushing our money down the drain.
“The Welsh Conservatives have long called for Labour and NRW to hold water firms to account and issue penalty fines. By allowing Dŵr Cymru to continue dumping unchecked, they are enabling the polluting of our waterways.”