Labour and Plaid vote against scrapping unpopular road building ban and 20mph

Across Wales, Labour’s anti-motorist agenda and lacklustre transport policies are not fit for purpose and are holding Wales back.
In the Senedd today (17/04/24), the Welsh Conservatives brought forward a motion regarding Labour’s failed transport policies and have called on the Labour Government to scrap their road building ban, and scrap 20mph speed limits.
Commenting after the debate, Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister, Natasha Asghar MS, said:
“While Labour Ministers in Cardiff Bay have voted to continue their anti-motorist agenda, it is clear that Welsh Conservative pressure is moving the dial among Labour Government Ministers, whose rhetoric on 20mph has changed dramatically.
“The people of Wales want to get on with their daily lives and businesses wish to flourish, yet Labour’s lack of investment in public transport, road building ban, and 20mph speed limits are slowing them down in doing exactly this.
“But in the Senedd today, the Welsh Labour Government and Plaid Cymru showed how truly out of touch they are with the people of Wales by voting against our motion to end the war on motorists, scrap their road building ban and roll back their controversial 20mph speed limits to get Wales moving again.”
Reasons not to vote Plaid Cymru in the next election
The motion debated on Wednesday read:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Believes the Welsh Government’s transport policies for Wales are not fit for purpose.
2. Regrets the North and South transport divide in Wales, with £50m allocated to the North Wales Metro, and over £1bn to the South Wales Metro.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to urgently:
a) undertake a review of the current road building tests with a view to implementing all previously scrapped schemes that will boost economic growth or enhance road safety;
b) reverse the Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) (Wales) Order 2022 and adopt a targeted approach to 20mph speed limits in Wales; and
c) invest in public transport to make buses and trains more competitive with travelling by car.