
Over 50,000 Welsh children waiting for treatment, creating a lost generation

Over 50,000 Welsh children waiting for treatment, creating a lost generation

The Labour Health Minister has confirmed for the first time, in response to a Welsh Conservative Written Question, the number of children waiting for NHS treatment in Wales: 53,848, including 1,229 children waiting two years or more.

Commenting, Russell George MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister said:

“NHS waiting lists are unacceptably long in Wales, Labour’s record is abysmal. Clearing the backlog should be a priority, especially for children.

“The Welsh Conservatives want to see the full health consequential uplift spent on our Welsh NHS to fully resource it and enact a substantial workforce plan with a tuition fee refund for healthcare workers at its heart.”

Laura Anne Jones MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Education Minister added:

“This is an atrocious admission by the Labour Health Minister. No child should be left waiting over two years for treatment, it puts their education and their lives on hold.

“It is no wonder that absenteeism has doubled since before the pandemic and we’ve had the steepest decline in education standards in the UK. Labour’s long waiting lists are creating a lost generation here in Wales.”

Image https://uk.pineapplecontracts.com/case-study/childrens-hospital/

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