Did you know South Wales Police have a dedicated proactive roads-based crime team

Did you know South Wales Police have a dedicated proactive roads-based crime team called the Territorial Crime Team (TCT)
The team is made up of experienced officers who are trained in a wide range of skills including:
Advanced driving
Stinger tyre deflation
Method of entry
Specialist search
The TCT is tasked with targeting the offenders causing the most serious harm and risk to the communities we live in.
Officers from the team deploy in unmarked cars and motorcycles equipped with covert blue lights. The team tackles organised criminality which can mean anything from tracking wanted people, disrupting and arresting drug dealers, tackling the antisocial or criminal use of motorcycles, vehicle crime and much more.
The team will also support our policing colleagues from other departments such as roads policing, response and neighbourhood officers, and the various organised crime units.
You may not see or hear much of them… but that’s the idea!