‘Shockingly low life expectancy’ for people suffering cancer deadly six

Commenting on the news that a task force has warned that Wales has some of the worst survival rates for some of the most serious cancers, Russell George MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister said:
“It is completely unacceptable that in Labour-run Wales, you have barely a 50/50 chance of receiving cancer treatment within the target time and that survival rates are so poor.
“The Labour Government made the decision not to follow the Conservative-run NHS in England to rapidly roll out diagnostic and surgical hubs to bear down on excessive waiting times. The result of which are the record waiting lists we now see in Wales and the knock-on effect on survival rates.
“The Welsh Conservatives want to see a reliable Welsh NHS, with a focus on cancer, resourced with the full Barnett consequential uplift for health and a substantial workforce plan to recruit more doctors and nurses, instead of Labour and Plaid’s plans to create more politicians.”
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