Happy New Year from the team at Interlink RCT!

Blwyddyn newydd dda gan y tîm yn Interlink! Happy New Year from the team at Interlink!

We know the incredible strength and diversity of the community organisations and the army of volunteers helping people in communities throughout RCT.  Your feedback over the year and from our Conference has led to Interlink’s new strategy ‘Investing in Our Members, 2024-2027’ – which will focus on three areas: 

  1. Promoting the impact of the sector
  2. Accessing resources and supporting networking
  3. Local and regional collaboration

To kickstart the New Year, we are running a number of FREE upcoming trainings, networks and events, including: 

In addition to the above, we have several spaces available for the exciting new coaching programme Arwain! Funded by Interlink, this network is for community and voluntary sector leaders. To find out more about the programme, click here. As we are due to commence on Monday, 15 January 2024, please express your interest in reserving a free space ASAP by emailing Simon at: [email protected].

“We hope you find the time to stay fully involved in helping us develop our growing programme of training, networks and events. There is nothing more powerful than the community and voluntary sector in RCT working together and we are excited about working with you throughout 2024 and beyond.

Diolch gan bawb yn Interlink. Thank you from everyone at Interlink.” – Simon James, Chief Executive at Interlink

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