Labour chaos on 20mph continues

In the chamber this afternoon, the Deputy Minister for Transport, Lee Waters said: “We do think there are examples, where, with the benefit of hindsight and experience, the wrong decisions have been made, and I’ve encouraged local authorities to think about how they can use their powers of discretion to make exceptions. They will be…

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Man prosecuted after over 3,000 tonnes of waste illegally dumped on his land

A Ceredigion man has been successfully prosecuted by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) for allowing 3,122 tonnes of waste to be dumped on his land without an environmental permit. John Bray was ordered to pay £8,700 after pleading guilty to allowing construction and demolition waste, amongst other types of environmentally sensitive waste to be dumped on…

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Act F.A.S.T. Call 999 if you see any single one of the signs of a stroke. Is this something we have seen before?

There are around 100,000 strokes in England, Scotland and Wales every year. Stroke is the fourth single leading cause of death in the UK and the single largest cause of complex disability. In Wales, stroke affects around 1,600 people in the South-Central Wales area each year, with 3,200 seeking hospital care for suspected strokes.  A…

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