
Welsh Labour running from an independent Wales only covid inquiry

Welsh Labour running from an independent Wales only covid inquiry

Commenting ahead of former Labour Health Minister Vaughan Gething and current First Minister Mark Drakeford’s appearance in front of the UK Covid Inquiry, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies MS said:

Drakeford and Gething

“Tomorrow, Mark Drakeford and Vaughan Gething will have the opportunity to provide clarity and face questions about their handling of the Covid pandemic in Wales, which I hope they will answer in full. Their failure to deliver documents in a timely fashion so far leaves much to be desired.

“Throughout the pandemic, the Labour-run Welsh Government diverged from the rest of the UK, leading to Wales having the highest Covid death rate in the whole UK. Yet Labour Ministers in the Senedd continue to dodge accountability at every turn, with Mark Drakeford refusing to answer questions put to him in the Chamber. We need an independent Welsh Covid Inquiry to deliver proper scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s handling of the pandemic.

“Labour has run our Welsh NHS into the ground for 25 years and has been responsible for our pandemic preparedness and it’s high time bereaved families receive the answers they deserve.”

Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister, Russell George MS added:

“Labour Ministers in the Senedd have run away from scrutiny here in Wales, declaring that the UK Covid Inquiry will be enough, despite the fact that by Baroness Hallett’s own admission, there is not enough time to look at ‘every issue’ and evaluate the situation in Wales fully.

“Thanks to Welsh Conservative calls, we have secured a halfway house Covid Committee here in Wales, but are still calling for an independent public Covid inquiry as the only way bereaved families and the people of Wales can get the answers we deserve.”

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