Wales has the slowest cancer referral times in Britain

Wales has the slowest cancer referral times in Britain

Commenting on the testimony from senior doctors from the Royal College of Radiologists, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister, Russell George MS said:

Labour has been responsible for our Welsh NHS for 25 years

“While all UK nations are grappling with NHS pressures, Labour has been responsible for our Welsh NHS for 25 years and we have the lowest proportion starting cancer treatment within the two-month target time in Britain at only 55%.

The Labour Government are quick to allocate huge sums for more politicians in Cardiff Bay

“The Labour Government are quick to allocate huge sums for more politicians in Cardiff Bay when they say workload is high, but have been incredibly slow to act when our Welsh NHS is clearly understaffed.

“The Welsh Conservatives have long called for a comprehensive workforce and recruitment plan to be prioritised and opposed Labour’s real terms cuts to our NHS, the only government in the UK to ever do so – not once, but twice.”

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