Have your say on our revised 5 year Strategic Equality Plan

Every public body has a duty to produce a core document known as a Strategic Equality Plan.
The SEP as it is known, is an important action plan for any health board; outlining the actions to be taken to support and meet the health and wellbeing needs of the local EDI population, and to reduce health inequalities.
The Plan
Our Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB plan was last updated in 2020 but our organisation, and the landscape in which we provide care and services for our local population, have changed considerably.
We’re currently reviewing our plan and inviting our communities, stakeholders and partners, and staff, to all have their say on our revised equality actions for 2023-27.
Hywel Daniel, Executive Director for People, CTM UHB said:
“We are hugely proud of our culturally diverse workforce and communities. Through our revised SEP we want to promote, celebrate and embrace all the cultural differences that make our Health Board unique.
“Our revised plan is focused on improving the employee experience and strengthening the organisational culture for our CTM workforce. We are equally committed to enhancing our approach to putting citizens, patients and service users at the heart of our EDI planning and delivery; ensuring our EDI population can access our services and care in an equitable and inclusive way, impacting their lives health and well-being outcomes and patient experience. ”
Have Your Say
We’ve launched a short public survey to invite feedback on our draft EDI objectives for the next 5 years.
Our plan is made up of four key areas (with objectives underpinning each):
Our Services
To improve the experience and health outcomes for our patients, ensuring that every patient has equity of access to the services that they need.
Our People
To improve staff engagement and experience, attract and retain diverse talent and create an inclusive environment in which all colleagues can thrive.
Our Community
To ensure under-represented groups and seldom-heard voices are involved at the outset of design and delivery.
Our Infrastructure
To make sure equality, diversity and inclusion are essential to the way that we operate.
Further detail is available here (Cwm Taf Morgannwg Strategic Equality Plan 2023-27).
You will also see the promotion of our revised equality action plan (Help shape our Strategic Equality Plan) on our Cwm Taf Morgannwg social media channels. Please help us to share this with your networks and contacts to maximise feedback from across our communities.
You can download all our equality resources via our EDI Community Padlet.
With any questions, or if you’d like further information, please get in touch with us at: [email protected]