Revised regime for Welsh historic environment comes into force

Planning authorities have been notified of a swathe of new regulations that have come into force as a result of the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016.

The act involves the historic environment, listed buildings and conservation area consent procedures.

Welsh Government chief planner Neil Hemington has written to all planning authorities explaining the changes, which also involve a new Technical Advice Note (TAN 24) covering the historic environment.

New supporting historic environment guidance is also available.

The letter provides detailed information on the following:

  • The commencement of provisions within the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016;
  • New regulations relating to the historic environment;
  • Changes to the listed building consent checklist;
  • Publication of a new Technical Advice Note 24: The Historic Environment;
  • Changes to directions on listed building and conservation area consent procedures; and
  • New supporting historic environment guidance.

The letter was co-signed by Gwilym Hughes, assistant director at CADW.

The letter can be found on the Welsh Government website (pdf).

Roger Milne, The Planner




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