Lung cancer patients right to live

My Partner Elaine was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic lung cancer in September 2021 which spread to her neck.
She has never at any time smoked in her life and always kept herself healthy, so as you can imagine the cancer diagnosis came as a complete shock to all family and has shattered our world.
Over the past 2 years, Elaine has undergone various treatments which include chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and radiotherapy, unfortunately, the cancer is still growing and has now spread to her brain. Our oncology team have now identified the mutation of the cancer which is HER2 and advised her the best drug for her would be Enhertu. Here in the UK, the HER2 mutation which is also found in breast cancer patients is treated with the drug Enhertu, which has shown great success, however, Enhertu is only licensed in the UK for breast cancer patients.
Lung cancer patients right to live
Enhertu is widely used in the USA and other parts of the world for lung cancer and has shown great success in fighting the HER2 mutation. Our Oncology team wants Elaine to have the Enhertu drug but because it’s not licensed in the UK for Lung cancer we have been told she can’t have it through the NHS and we will have to go private.
This will mean selling our house and spending all our life savings so Elaine can get the chance to live and spend whatever ever-time she has left making memories with her family. We believe this is wrong and Enhertu should be made widely available for lung cancer patients who have the HER2 mutation. Time isn’t on Elaines side and with all the stress of dealing with the cancer we now have the added stress of fighting for a treatment which may have a massive effect on Elaines life.
Please support our petition to get Enhertu licensed for use in lung cancer patients Every cancer patient should have the opportunity of all treatments that may give them more time to live.
Thank you
Chris Goodwin.