Celebrating Cwm Taf Morgannwg’s University Health Board Status

Today (Thursday, 2 February), academic and industry partners across the region of Cwm Taf Morgannwg have joined forces to look at how they can work more closely together to improve the health of CTM communities and to improve the quality of care and services they receive.

Our University Health Board summit involved stakeholders and partners leading in Research and Development, Training and Education and Innovation; showcasing strategies and ideas for shaping health and care for the future, through partnership working.   

Marc Penny, CTM’s Director of Improvement & Innovation said:

“Today’s summit is all about building healthier CTM communities through partnership working. Whilst it’s been a great opportunity to showcase where our partnerships are working well; our focus has been on innovating; strengthening existing partnerships and forging new ones. We want to optimise how we work as a Health Board across systems and sectors and today we’ve challenged our thinking around how partnerships can improve health and care services for the future. 

“During today’s summit we have been looking at the level of capacity and capability needed across our partner organisations to support with training and education, research and development and innovation. That has included looking at how we enhance our use of data science to innovate and transform services.  

“We also know that none of this is possible without the dedication and commitment of our workforces. Our staff are the glue to aligning our shared ambitions to better patient health outcomes.” 

We want our strategy to be meaningful for everyone involved: our staff, partners and our communities.  Here’s a short film that we’ve developed  which aims to bring CTM2030 to life by describing how it should feel to work for and with CTMUHB, or to receive services from us in the future.

If you have any ideas about subjects for future films, that showcase CTM2030 in action through your own organisations and networks, let us know by emailing: [email protected]

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