
Welsh Labour late again and chasing headlines


The Welsh government is pressing ahead with delayed plans to ban single-use carrier bags and plastic drinking straws in Wales.

Plastic plates, cutlery, stirrers and cotton buds would also be banned under the proposed new law.



Responding to the statement by the Minister for Climate Change on the banning of single use plastics in Wales, Welsh Conservative and Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Janet Finch-Saunders MS said:

“This is typical Labour – late again and chasing headlines.

“I’ve lost count of the number of times Labour have promised to introduce this ban only for legislation to be kicked into the long grass.

“The ban on the sale of single use plastics has already been implemented in both England and Scotland, while Labour ministers have now just decided to begin passing legislation.

“When will Labour ministers stop dragging their heels on environmental issues and face the fact that their delays are damaging Wales?”

Labour ministers have been far too slow in responding to environmental issues in Wales with substantive delays to implementing a Deposit Return Scheme, a Clean Air Act and an environmental governance body.

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