Welsh Labour not interested in why we can not get a doctors appointment and now thanks to the Labour Party 700 doctors are likely to leave NHS Wales

Welsh Conservative comment on doctor union warning

The British Medical Association has warned that nearly 700 doctors will likely leave NHS Wales due to the recently announced 4.5% pay rise.

Commenting, Welsh Conservative and Shadow Health Minister Russell George MS said:

“The Labour Government in Cardiff Bay should stop saying they are being held back by the UK Government – which itself is hamstrung by financial limits – and recognise that it signed up to the pay-rise recommendation of an independent panel.

“If Labour really believe that money can be magicked out of thin air so it can make popular announcements, maybe it should use its own revenue-raising powers by upping income tax, and we’ll see how popular they remain.

“Devolution of power is the devolution of responsibility – but after quarter of a century in power, it seems Labour keep forgetting that basic principle.”

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