
So what is new about footage of rugby fans crammed onto a train that sparks call for urgent action

Welsh Minister Julie James MS is responsible for Transport Rail services through the Wales and Borders franchise, why is this ongoing problem allowed to happen could it be she has too many responsibilities to bother about overcrowding and the lack of rolling stock?

Responsibilities of Welsh Minister Julie James

·       The housing and housing-related activities of Local Authorities and housing associations, including housing management and the allocation of social and affordable housing

·       Supply and quality of market, social and affordable housing

·       Second Homes

·       Homelessness and housing advice

·       Matters relating to housing provided by the private rented sector, including regulation of registered social landlords

·       Aids and adaptations, including Disabled Facilities Grants and Physical Adaptation Grants

·       The provision of housing-related support (but not the payment of Housing Benefit)

·       The regulation of commercial tenancies let by Local Authorities

·       National Infrastructure Commission

·       Oversight and implementation of the Planning Acts and all aspects of planning policy and the determination of called-in planning applications and appeals

·       Planning gain – Section 106 Agreements contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

·       Developments of National Significance: determination of planning applications and connected consents

·       Building regulations

·       Future Wales: the national plan 2040

·       Regeneration, including Strategic Regeneration Areas; legacy regeneration; Transforming Town Centres and provision of sites and premises, derelict land and environmental improvements relating to regeneration

·       Transport for Wales

·       Transport policy

·       Roads, including construction, improvement and maintenance of motorways and trunk roads

·       Bus services

·       Rail services through the Wales and Borders franchise

·       Ports policy

·       Arms-length oversight of Cardiff Airport

·       Digital connectivity infrastructure, including Public Sector Broadband Aggregation, fast broadband and mobile

·       Cross Government Digital Policy & Strategy

·       Active travel

·       Road safety; safer routes to schools; transport for children and young people; regulation of pedestrian crossings and on-street parking

·       Marine and freshwater planning, biodiversity, conservation and licensing

·       Best and most versatile land policy, mineral site restoration advice and Agricultural Land Classification and implementation of the EIA (Agriculture) Regulations

·       Energy policy including small-medium scale energy production, domestic energy, energy efficiency

·       Renewable Energy

·       Climate change, emission reduction targets and carbon budgets

·       Natural Resources Management, including oversight and implementation of the Environment (Wales) Act and Natural Resources Wales

·       Cross-cutting measures of mitigation and adaptation in relation to climate change, including water; land drainage; flood and coastal risk; and control of marine and air pollution

·       Water

·       Forestry policy and legislation, including re-stocking, tree health and forest reproductive material

·       National Forest

·       Biodiversity policy, including the implementation of the Nature Recovery Plan

·       The protection and management of wildlife, including control of pests, injurious weeds and vermin and the regulation of plant health, seeds and pesticides

·       Genetically modified crops

·       Sustainable resource and waste management

·       Strategic lead on allotments and urban green infrastructure

·       Local environment quality, including litter, fly-tipping, noise policy and regulation

·       Access to the countryside, coast and rights of way and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

·       National Parks

Writing to Julie James

·       Writing to ministers


Shocking images of rugby fans crammed onto a train over the weekend has prompted calls for urgent action from the Welsh Conservatives.

Thousands of people headed to the Principality Stadium on Saturday as Wales took on New Zealand in the first full-capacity match since the pandemic began.

However, a video posted on social media showed fans crammed onto a Transport for Wales train like sardines as they made their way to the capital city.

Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Transport, Natasha Asghar MS, said:

“The people of Wales seem to be getting accustomed to travelling on crammed trains, especially on rugby days which we all know always attract large crowds.

“Frankly, the lack of trains is just unacceptable. This fixture had been in the calendar for weeks and was not a surprise to anyone, yet Transport for Wales still failed to take action to make sure adequate trains were running.

“I have said on many occasions – inside and outside of the Senedd – that more trains are needed, especially now as life is slowly returning to normal and people are travelling again, but it’s clear bosses at Transport for Wales didn’t have their finger on the pulse over the weekend.

“It is vital that the Welsh Government-owned body steps up to the plate and ensures enough trains and carriages are running to cope with the high numbers of people for the rest of the autumn international matches.”

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