Due to the Coronavirus pandemic diabetic eye screening was paused but the service in Wales resumed delivering clinics in September 2020.
Letter to the Editor, sent on behalf of Diabetic Eye Screening Wales’ (DESW) Head of Programme Jude Kay and Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB) Cymru’s Director Ansley Workman and Diabetes UK Cymru’s Director Dai Williams:
This diabetes week (14 to 20 June) we’re urging Aberdare Online readers with diabetes to attend their eye screening appointments.
It is vital that people in Wales who are living with diabetes who are eligible for eye screening attend their appointment when invited. Diabetic retinopathy is a serious sight condition that can lead to significant sight loss. But screening can catch signs of the condition before it has a serious impact on people’s vision.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic diabetic eye screening was paused but the service in Wales resumed delivering clinics in September 2020. All measures have been put in place to reassure your readers that they can attend their diabetic eye screening appointments safely.
Screening can save sight, so make sure you attend your appointment when you’re invited.
In the meantime, if you experience any vision problems please visit your optometrist immediately rather than wait for you screening appointment.
Best Wishes,
Jude Kay, Head of Programme, Diabetes Eye Screening Wales (DESW)
Ansley Workman, Director, RNIB Cymru
Dai Williams, Director, Diabetes UK Cymru