
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Good afternoon,

We’ve been in touch in the past about publications and information on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). We wanted to remind you that the extended version of the scheme now has monthly claim deadlines, which may be of interest to your readers/viewers/listeners.

We’re now at one week to go until the first deadline – employers must submit any November claims no later than 14 ‌‌December.

CJRS claims must now be submitted within 14 calendar days after the month they relate to, unless this falls on a weekend in which case the deadline is the next weekday, and employers will need to remember to get their claims in on time.


Employers should:

  1. Check if they’re eligible, and work out how much they can claim using our CJRS calculator and examples, by searching 'Job Retention Scheme' on GOV‌.UK.
  2. Submit any claims for November, no later than 14‌‌‌ December.
  3. Keep any records that support the amount of CJRS grant they claim, in case HMRC needs to check them. ‌


It’s also worth noting employers and employees do not need to have used the scheme already to make a claim now. Those applying for the first time will need:

  • a Government Gateway (GG) ID and password – if you don’t already have a GG account, you can apply for one on GOV‌‌‌.UK by searching for 'HMRC services: sign in or register'
  • to be enrolled for PAYE online
  • the following information for each furloughed employee you’ll be claiming for:
    • name
    • National Insurance number
    • claim period and amount
    • PAYE/employee number.


If you need a statement from us on this, feel free to use the below and do get in touch if you have any questions.

An HMRC spokesperson said: 


“Monthly deadlines ensure the impact of Coronavirus on businesses and individuals and the support the scheme is providing can be regularly evaluated.  


“Employers will still be able to claim in advance of paying their staff and they can claim before, during or after they process their payroll as long as their claim is submitted by the relevant claim deadline. HMRC guidance has information on how to calculate claims and support is available for employers to help get them get their claims right.”

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Team @ AberdareOnline

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