Tirion birth centre re-opens at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital
The Tirion freestanding midwifery-led birth centre will re-open at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital on, Monday 26th October.
The self-contained centre, which closed in March due to the pressures of COVID-19, has already been given the thumbs up by more than 200 women and their families who have birthed their babies there.
As a Freestanding Midwifery led Unit (FMU), women giving birth in the Tirion Birth Centre are cared for by midwives who are the experts in normal birth.
The Birth Centre provides a homely environment with birthing pools and three postnatal double bedrooms. Water births are encouraged and the midwives are trained to provide a hypnobirthing service which is extremely popular.
Greg Dix, Director of Nursing at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board commented: “We are so pleased that we have been able to re-open this important centre. Tirion has established itself as a safe and welcoming place for women to give birth and is having a real impact on the lives of families in our communities.”
Valerie Wilson, Head of Midwifery services at CTM said: “The dedication and skills of the midwives at our birth centre is second to none.
“We are providing an excellent and safe birthing service for the local women and a welcome environment for their families.”