Cattle grid repairs at Heol-y-Sarn in Llantrisant
The Council will undertake repairs to a cattle grid at Heol-y-Sarn, requiring the road’s closure between Llantrisant Business Park and Llantrisant Old Town.
The scheme, which will replace the concrete plinths beneath the cattle grid, will begin in the week commencing August 19.
However, the scheme is weather-dependant and the forecast is for rain during the early part of the week. The work will begin as soon as it is possible, with signage placed on site to give notice to residents and an update provided on the Council’s social media accounts. The scheme will last around a week.
The cattle grid is located just north of the houses at Heol-y-Sarn – and the road will close from this point in a northerly direction. There will therefore be no through route for traffic between Llantrisant Business Park and Llantrisant Old Town, using the single-track road, for the duration of the works.
An alternative route for motorists will be clearly signposted in both directions. Access will be maintained for pedestrians, but not for emergency services.
The Council would like to thank residents and road users in advance for their cooperation during this scheme.