Shadow Minister comments on five-year Cwm Taf projections

Commenting on the news that maternity problems under Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board could take up to five years to remedy, Welsh Conservative and Shadow Health Minister Angela Burns AM, said:

“It is hardly surprising that this could take half a decade before we start to see improvements, these problems go deep into the roots of governance at the health board and have been left to fester for a long time.

“The scandal has clearly rattled the people its hospitals are meant to serve. The self-referral of expectant women who are having the babies outside the Cwm Taf region is a show of no confidence in Labour’s Health Minister.

“This Welsh Labour Government’s record, however, has had consequences beyond the Valley’s hospitals: North Wales’ health board has spent four years in Special Measures, West Wales is losing more services, and those in Mid Wales are going to England for treatment. Labour is failing devolution and is failing Wales.”


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