
Transport for Wales appoints law firm to £500k bus industry advice contract

Transport for Wales has awarded law firm DLA Piper a contract worth an estimated £500,000 to provide expert legal and regulatory support and advice on matters relating to the bus industry.

The support and advice services to be provided to TfW and the Welsh Ministers are to include:

  1. advice on options for bus service review and change within the current legal and regulatory context and existing powers in Wales with regard to the Transport Acts;
  2. changes to the bus industry in Wales including options regarding the introduction of bus franchising and the implications of such changes;
  3. advice on matters relating to structural reform of the bus industry in Wales;
  4. input and comment regarding the development of Outline and Full Business Cases for bus service review in Wales;
  5. assessing the feasibility of proposed changes to the operation of the bus industry in Wales including the commercial and market implications of such changes; and
  6. provision of ongoing legal and regulatory advice to the TfW and Welsh Government on any matters that may arise concerning the bus industry in Wales.

TfW said that, for the avoidance of doubt, the following areas would be covered by Welsh Government legal services:

  1. preparation of legal instructions to the Office of Legislative Counsel.
  2. advice on legal and regulatory updates required to implement any recommended changes; and
  3. advising on the roles of local and central government with regard to the bus industry in Wales and their statutory duties and responsibilities.

It added that the legal and regulatory advisors appointed would need to have the following experience:

  1. an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the legal and regulatory environment of the bus industry;
  2. significant experience of working with the bus market to effect change;
  3. significant experience of advising statutory bodies on the impacts of existing legislation and regulation on the current industry environment; and
  4. significant experience of advising statutory bodies on how new legislation and regulation could be implemented to effect change in the bus industry.

TfW received three tenders.

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