Muni Arts Centre update – expressions of interest

The Council has received a positive response from a wide range of interested parties to secure a sustainable future for the Muni Arts Centre in Pontypridd.

The window of opportunity provided for groups or individuals to express an interest in working with the Council, to re-open the venue, closed recently.

Throughout the process individual proposals were received and, following review, five expressions of interests will now be invited for preliminary discussions – before being invited to present formal business plans for consideration by the Council.

“It is pleasing that the process initiative by the Council early in the New Year has received six formal expressions of interest, to pursue plans to re-open this artist venue.

“These proposals have been reviewed by Officers, and five of the six expressions of interest received will now be invited to preliminary discussions before they submit formal business plans. This response is a positive position and is encouraging for the future sustainability of the Muni Arts Centre, as we work to ensure the facility re-opens as an artistic venue as soon as practicably possible.

“Through this process we will seek to ensure that a credible and sustainable business model, which secures a positive future for the Muni Arts Centre, is created. To secure this the Council will work closely with the individual groups to develop these plans.

“As a Council we recognise that to provide the best opportunity for interested groups to develop a viable business plan for the Muni, continued financial support may be necessary. The Council will consider how it may be able to support the most viable business cases for the venue. 

“As a Council we recognise the significant public support for the Muni as an Arts venue, and we are therefore undertaking everything practicably possible, within the financial restrains we face at this current time, to support a viable and sustainable future for the facility. We want to see the venue open as soon as possible.”

A period of ten weeks will now be provided for the successful expressions of interests to develop their detailed business plans and present them for consideration.

Posted on Monday 18th February 2019
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