A report on Aberdare Town C.I.W. Primary School
About Aberdare Town C.I.W. Primary School Aberdare Town Church in Wales Primary School is in Aberdare in Rhondda Cynon Taf local authority. The school has 300 pupils, including 39 who attend the nursery on a part-time basis. The school has 10 classes, including 5 mixed-age classes and a nursery class. The rolling average of pupils eligible for free school meals over the last three years is 5%. This is well below the national average of 18%. The school identifies 13% of pupils as having additional learning needs. This is below the national average of 21%. A very few pupils have statements of special educational needs. No pupils come from Welsh speaking homes and a very few pupils have English as an additional language. The school’s last inspection was in January 2013. The headteacher was appointed in September 2014. Estyn does not inspect religious education or the religious content of collective worship when inspecting a school with a religious character. Instead, the governing body is required by law to arrange for religious education and collective worship to be inspected separately.
Full report on the link https://www.estyn.gov.wales/sites/default/files/documents/Aberdare%20Town%20C.I.W.%20Primary%20School_0.pdf