
Youth Work Week: National Showcase Event

The Youth Work National Showcase Event will take place 10.30-2pm 26 June at Pier Head, Cardiff. Twenty two youth work organisations will be represented at this event and the Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning will attend. This is a great opportunity to network and to find out more about the great youth work provision that is being delivered to young people across Wales. You are welcome to join us on the day.

Thunderclap will take place during this event, this is a social media crowd speaking platform that a single message to be mass-shared. I would be very grateful if you would sign up to this at https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/70232-youth-work-week-wales . Please encourage your colleagues, family and friends to sign up and help youth work week trend on Twitter!

During Youth Work Week (23-30 June) please share photos etc of your events and activities using #YouthWorkWales.

For more information contact: youthwork@gov.wales.

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Team @ AberdareOnline

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