MACS received these beautifully hand knitted cuddly toys and needlework items to help fundraise for our pupils, who have won International Scholarships this summer. Over £200 was raised in no time at all! Tremendous thanks go to Dawn Blacker, Jeanette Thomas, Linda Hopkins, Sheila Davies, Clare Evans, Michelle green and Malvine Workman for your generosity and countless hours of hard work! These very kind ladies have already begun knitting more items which will be sold at our school summer fete on Saturday July 07th!
MACS would also like to thank the very kind member of the public, who sent in a cheque for £50 for the pupils after reading the school website article. It is very much appreciated!
A further £50 was raised by a cake/biscuit sale at lunchtime last Friday. A huge thank you to Mrs. Shaw and the after-school club pupils for their efforts in helping create these tasty treats, which all sold out! Also, thanks to Mrs. Grashoff for her assistance.