
The State of Roads in Wales

The Welsh Government Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry into the State of Roads in Wales.

The inquiry will focus on the condition and approach to maintenance of the local road, trunk road and motorway network, delivery of enhancement projects on the local road, trunk road and motorway network, and how far the approaches taken to highway maintenance and improvement are sustainable.

The consultation below, The State of Roads in Wales, has been published and will run until 27 April 2018. 




State of Roads in Wales

Purpose of the consultation

The Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee would welcome your views on the terms of reference for the inquiry.

Terms of reference

  • The current condition of roads in Wales and whether the approach to funding and delivery of maintenance programmes for the local road, trunk road and motorway network in Wales is effective, managed so as to minimise disruption to road users, and provides value for money;
  • Whether major enhancement projects on the local road, trunk road and motorway network are prioritised, funded, planned and delivered effectively, and provide value for money. Relevant issues include the implementation of the Early Contractor Involvement approach and the opportunities offered by the Welsh Government’s Mutual Investment Model; and
  • Whether Wales is adopting a sustainable approach to the maintenance and enhancement of its road network in the context of key legislation such as the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013.

Providing Written Evidence

The National Assembly for Wales has two official languages, Welsh and English.

In line with the Assembly’s Official Languages Scheme, the Committee requests that documents or written responses to consultations intended for publication or use in National Assembly proceedings are submitted bilingually. When documents or written responses are not submitted bilingually, we will publish in the language submitted, stating that it has been received in that language only.

We expect other organisations to implement their own standards or schemes and to comply with their statutory obligation.

Please see guidance for those providing evidence for committees.

Please send your views to: SeneddEIS@assembly.wales by 27 April 2018. It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.

Disclosure of information

Please ensure that you have considered the Assembly’s policy on disclosure of information before submitting information to the Committee.

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee
National Assembly for Wales
Pierhead Street
CF99 1NA

Email: SeneddEIS@assembly.wales

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