Phase 2 implementation of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 – workforce aspects
Phase 2 implementation of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 – Workforce aspects – covers the requirement for providers of domiciliary services to distinguish between travel time and care time and to provide domiciliary care staff with an alternative to zero-hours contracts.
The consultation also seeks views on opening the register of social care workers to those employed in regulated domiciliary support services from 2018.
CFW would encourage people to respond on these important issues; we will also be providing a response.
The Social Care Wales consultation – on Transforming Care in the 21st Century (more info here) – follows on and provides some of the further detail planned behind the regulations e.g. in terms of the registration fees and qualifications that care workers will need in order to register.