
Email sent to all AMs.Welsh supply teachers

We have received a reply from Carwyn Jones stating that the Taskforce was 'unable' to recommend an alternative to supply agencies. No surprise there when three members of the Taskforce were from management backgrounds, with one TUC rep and they didn't even visit Northern Ireland.

We need the Welsh Assembly to consider-

1) A visit to Northern Ireland
2) A central register of Welsh supply teachers
3) An alternative to agencies in place by September 2018 when the contract with New Directions finishes

Welsh supply teachers are the worst paid in the UK – £30 to £40 a day below the rate for English supply teachers.

Northern Ireland shows there is an alternative, one central register for supply teachers, no agencies, schools not ripped off, teachers paid the rate for the job with access to the Teachers' Pension Scheme.


If nothing changes for supply teachers and they are left to the mercy of the agencies then this will represent a collective failure by the Welsh Assembly.

Richard Knights – Fair Deal for Supply Teachers

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