NRW suspends permit after waste storage site blaze

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has taken action against a waste storage facility in the Vale of Glamorgan where a major fire has been burning since Thursday evening.


Nadia De Longhi, Operations Manager for NRW, said:


“We have decided to suspend the importation of waste under the environmental permit for the regulated facility at Hangars A and B, off the Llanwit Major Road, Llandow, operated by SiteServ Recycling (SW) Ltd.


“While our main focus at the moment is working closely with South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Public Health Wales and Vale of Glamorgan Council to manage the effects of the blaze, we have taken this emergency measure to minmise further risks of serious pollution.”


The suspension notice will prevent more waste adding to the volume on site until the current wastes have been managed  to ensure all residual risks to the environment and human health are reduced are far as practicable.

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