The current exhibition, Attesa, opened with great success at Oriel Q on Saturday 7 January.
The word 'Attesa' means hope or expectation, and the spatialist artist Lucio Fontana, wrote it on the back of his slashed canvases. It is with this optimism that these artists: Lee Williams, Jonathan Anderson and Mark Halliday have come together to work on this theme.
The works in this exhibition are linked to industrial heritage through their materiality which sees the use of coal dust and rust / iron ore integrated into the painting technique. The artists come from industrial backgrounds and have used this experience to make their work. The work aims to engage with the idea that the UK is part of a global network, industrialised and connected. This work aims to be an antidote to the malaise and cultural amnesia which has been evident over the decline of industry. Some areas of the UK still have an industrial base, sometimes a very different base from the heavy industry of the past but raw materials and goods are still being imported and exported to and from all parts of the globe.
The results are beautiful colourful abstract compositions plus covetable sculptures that create a stunning exhibition which looks splendid in the white space of Oriel Q…
Free exhibition continues until Saturday 18 February | open Wednesdays to Saturdays from 10am – 5pm | Tel. 01834 869 454 | see the website for further details including dates of workshops and talks