
Join the Disability Sport Wales National Youth Forum

Positioned at the heart of our organisation, as part of our National Youth Forum, you will represent & communicate the views of all disabled children and young people to inform and enhance our work in Transforming Lives through the Power of Sport!

We are looking for 16 – 24 year old young people, with and without a disability, to join our new, innovative and forward thinking Youth Forum. If you are passionate about inclusive sport and want to be empowered to create an inclusive sporting Wales where every disabled child and young person is hooked on sport for life, we would love to hear from you!

We envisage that the Youth Forum will have THREE main areas of responsibility:

  1. Representation – represent the views of disabled children & young people from different communities and impairments to reflect and cater for their needs.
  2. Advisory – advise and appropriately challenge the direction of our work to identify, prioritise and remove barriers preventing active lifestyles where they exist for disabled children & young people.
  3. Communication – Highlight, through accessible formats, the work of DSW through the media, social media, conferences, and events etc.

For more details & how to apply visit: www.disabilitysportwales.com/youth-forum and/or contact Darren Wyn Jones at:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07557 5542

Recruitment pack
Application form – English
Application form – Welsh

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