Sport Wales to unveil new Elite Sport Strategy


Elite Sport Strategy to be launched on Friday 16th October 2015


Identifying the nation’s best young talent more than a decade before potential medal success will be the driver of a new Elite Sport Strategy for Wales.


The greater talent focus and targeted initiatives to deliver systematic, long-term success across sports will be central to the nation’s potential on the world stage.


The strategy will also include new medal targets for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020 and 2024, and for Team Wales at Commonwealth Games in 2018 and 2022, as Sport Wales looks to sustain the success of Welsh athletes.


Welsh athletes won seven Olympic medals and 15 Paralympic medals at London 2012 and Team Wales finished top of the medals per capita table at Glasgow 2014 against all other major multi-medal winning nations.


As part of the new strategy, Sport Wales will now work more closely with UK Sport and the home nations to sustain the podium prospects of Welsh athletes.

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