Burglary in the Mountain Ash area and for help to trace the irreplaceable war medals stolen.

South Wales Police and the family of a decorated war hero are asking for information on a burglary in the Mountain Ash area and for help to trace the irreplaceable war medals stolen.
The medals were among a number of items stolen in burglary which took place sometime between Monday October 24 and the morning of Wednesday October 26.
DC Mark Jones, said: “The thieves were extremely thorough in their search taking luggage from the property to take items, many of which have sentimental value and cannot be replaced.”
Among the items taken were World War 2 medals from the 8th Army Royal Engineers. They are believed to be: War Medal 1939-1945, 1939 – 1945 Star, Italy Star, Africa Star and The Defence Medal 1939 – 1945. 
Anyone with information is asked to call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting occurrence number 1600413765photograph simmiler to medal


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