Harvest Festival, Form 7S – The Trussell Trust food bank collections.
Form 7S at St John's are doing an assembly on Harvest Festival on Wednesday 5th October. They are starting to collect food and other items for The Trussell Trust food bank in Merthyr Tydfil with Father Matthew.
They would be grateful for any donations as they are tryimg to collect as much as possible. Please could pupils bring any items to room 10 during morning registration or to the staffroom.
Below is a list of items urgently needed:
- Cereals
- Pasta sauces
- Dried foods
- Jam’s
- Crisps
- Biscuits
- Tinned meat
- Tinned fish
- Tinned veg
- Tea
- Coffee
- Sugar
- Rice
- Pasta
- Deodrant
- Shaving foam
- Shower gel
- Shampoo
- Toothpaste
- Soap
Mrs Ison and Form 7S would be very grateful and would like to say thank you very much.